TAMPAR Siapapun Yang Ngejek Kamu Sok Inggris...

...Dengan Kuasai Semua Ilmu Yang Ada Di Dalam Sok Inggris Workbook

Apa Kamu Cukup Cerdas Buat Menyadari Kesalahan Frasa-Frasa Ini?


Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Guess the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Apa Kamu Cukup Cerdas Buat Menyadari Kesalahan Frasa-Frasa Ini?
No problem, you're not alone😂
You are smarter than 96% of the population!!
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