TAMPAR Siapapun Yang Ngejek Kamu Sok Inggris...

...Dengan Kuasai Semua Ilmu Yang Ada Di Dalam Sok Inggris Workbook

Jago Tebak-tebakan? Yuk Buktiin



Correct! Wrong!

Erinaceous means "of, pertaining to, or resembling a ________."

Correct! Wrong!


Correct! Wrong!

Jentacular means pertaining to ______.

Correct! Wrong!

Macrosmatic means...

Correct! Wrong!

Tickledown means "the day before yesterday."

Correct! Wrong!

A stenintologist studies...

Correct! Wrong!


Correct! Wrong!

A tittynope is a...

Correct! Wrong!

Aarontilphil means the a pair of

Correct! Wrong!

Jago Tebak-tebakan? Yuk Buktiin
You practically wrote the dictonary🧐
You're pretty savvy.
You haven't read a book in a while.
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